Kalpa Dianoxyl 50, also known as methandienone, dianabol, dianobol-lab, is an anabolic steroid that is used orally.
Initially, Dianoxyl 50 was used to accelerate the recovery and treatment of burns, as well as to improve the tone of women's body. Soon it became widespread among bodybuilders as a drug to increase muscle mass, but then the sale of Dianoxyl 50 was banned in most countries.
Today there is a lot of controversy about Dianoxyl 50. Some exaggerate its toxic properties. But meanwhile, it has been practically proved that a methandienone cycle for a period of six weeks can increase muscle mass by 8-10 kg, and if the course of taking the drug is correct, then muscle loss after cycle will be minimal.
Remember that the greatest efficacy from the use of Dianoxyl 50 is possible only in combination with sports nutrition and a proper diet for gaining muscle mass. It is necessary to gradually use it, as well as the abortion of the drug should be smooth.
Want to buy Dianoxyl 50 from us? This is no problem! Just do not forget that it has a high androgenic effect, which lies in its property to turn into estrogen (the female sex hormone, which accumulates fat in the body).
In order to avoid undesirable results, it is necessary to combine it with other drugs. Also, this oral anabolic steroid affects the liver, if it is used too long, it will disrupt its functions. Therefore, do not forget about the individual indicators of your body and read the instructions for use. If you want to buy Dianoxyl 50, then contact our online store and we will provide you with quality products from Kalpa Pharmaceuticals.
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Nov 5, 2021 (09:59)
It was my first time using the dbol, i take 50mg everyday, I saw pretty good muscle gains and strength gains using it, I used it for 10 weeks, was very pleased with it.