Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Substances:
- Testosterone Propionate 42mg
- Testosterone Isocaproate 84mg
- Testosterone Phenylropionate 84mg
- Testosterone Decanoate 140mg
Mixed Dosage: 350 mg
Active Life: 7-8 Days
Average Dose: 250 mg/week
Liver Toxicity: No
Aromatization Rate: Yes
Anabolic Rate: 100%
Androgenic Rate: 100%
This Price Is Per 1 Vial (10 mL Each)
Warning! High dosed gear, can cause pain and reaction at the injection site!`
Warm high concentration 350 mg<
before administration
in order to avoid high levels of PIP
and massage afterward.
Sustaxyl is a powerful androgenic steroid usually combined and composed of four testosterones:
This mix offers a variety of benefits. These are based on a well timed composition and have a synergetic effect. This special feature has two positive characteristics for athletes. First, as a result of the combination of these compounds, Sustaxyl has a better effect than enathate, cypionate, and propionate alone.
Second, the effect of the four testosterones is time released so that sustanon goes rapidly into the system and remains active in the body for several weeks.
The propionate in the mixture has a rapid effect and takes hold after only one day.
The decaonate remains active for 3-4 weeks.
So you can see that sustanon has a good combination of short and long term effectiveness.
Sustaxyl 350 has both a distinct androgenic and anabolic effect, therefore it is well suited to the build up of both strength and mass.
The quality of gains is further appreciated since Sustaxyl aromatizes (produces water in the muscle) less than enanthate or cypionate.
Sustaxyl also has the distinct advantage of working well in athletes who have previously used the substance.
Sustaxyl is one of the top three body building steroids along side Nandroxyl and Dianoxyl.
These three compounds can be combined together to form a "steroid stack".
If you want size fast then use testosterone ; it is a giant among steroids.
2 mL of Sustaxyl a week when stacked with Dianoxyl will give excellent results.
Please log in to write Sustaxyl 350 review.
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Substance: Testosterone Cypionate 250mg
Active Life: 15-16 Days
Average Dose: 50-200 mg/week
Liver Toxicity: No
Aromatization Rate: Yes
Anabolic Rate: 100%
Androgenic Rate: 100%
This Price Is Per 1 Vial (10 mL Each)
Note: Warming and shaking the vial
should redissolve any crystals
that may have formed
during storage or shipping at a
temperature lower than recommended
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Substance: Testosterone Enanthate 250mg
Active Life: 15-16 Days
Average Dose: 50-200 mg/week
Liver Toxicity: No
Aromatization Rate: Yes
Anabolic Rate: 100%
Androgenic Rate: 100%
This Price Is Per 1 Vial (10 mL Each)
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Substance: Testosterone Propionate 100mg
Active Life: 1-1.5 Days
Average Dose: 300-700 mg/week
Liver Toxicity: No
Aromatization Rate: Yes
Anabolic Rate: 100%
Androgenic Rate: 100%
This Price Is Per 1 Vial (10 mL Each)
Jul 28, 2022 (06:48)
I run 3ml Sust + 2 deca + 0,5 anastrozole EOD + 500 Test E KP. Strength Increased, more vascularity, hight pumps. And quality and fast gains in all weeks, 0% water retention or others side effects from tests. I gain more than 15 lbs with this cicle + test e and i dont finish this. Im very satisfied with results and procuts, and sorry for my poor english.