Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Substance: Testosterone Enanthate 250mg
Active Life: 15-16 Days
Average Dose: 50-200 mg/week
Liver Toxicity: No
Aromatization Rate: Yes
Anabolic Rate: 100%
Androgenic Rate: 100%
This Price Is Per 1 Vial (10 mL Each)
Testoxyl enanthate is one of the most popular synthetic testosterone steroids used by athletes. The steroid is manufactured by Kalpa Pharmaceuticals using a testosterone derivative, and the chemicals mimic the natural testosterone hormone found in the body. Testoxyl enanthate has both anabolic and androgenic qualities. Its anabolic properties help build muscle mass, making testoxyl enanthate a popular choice for athletes who want to bulk up. Its androgenic properties stimulate masculine primary and secondary sex characteristics.
Testoxyl enanthate works by stimulating the body's muscle cells to grow protein, and the increased proteins promote cell growth in the muscle. As the cells continue to grow on top of each other in the muscle, the size and strength of the muscle increase. Testoxyl enanthate also increases the number of oxygen-rich red blood cells carried by the bloodstream into muscles and organs, making the body work more efficiently and increasing endurance.
Testoxyl enanthate is a slow-acting steroid, meaning it is released slowly into the bloodstream, and it remains in the body for about 8 days. This is good for athletes and body builders who want to bulk up because the steroid levels remain steady for long periods of time; this keeps the cycle of protein release and muscle mass increase ongoing. Another advantage of a slowly released steroid is that the injections are done less frequently than with short steroids. However, as with all long-lasting testosterone derived steroids, water retention is often a problem for users of testoxyl enanthate.
Testoxyl enanthate is injected into the body via a needle and syringe. Users usually inject the steroid deeply into muscular tissue because it is a less painful option than most other injection sites. Injecting it directly into the muscle also increases the rate at which the steroid is absorbed into the bloodstream. The most common injection sites for testoxyl enanthate are the gluteus, the quadriceps, the deltoids, and the biceps.
Testoxyl enanthate is typically cycled for about 10 weeks. The possible side effects of using testoxyl enanthate are significant due to the aromatization process it undergoes. In aromatization, the steroid is converted to estrogen, the female sex hormone, once in the body. This can cause males to gain fat or exhibit other female secondary sex characteristics. Because of these effects, post cycle therapy is crucial in order to speed up the body's resumed production of testosterone, and to return overall body chemistry to normal. After post cycle therapy and a period of nonuse equal to the cycling period, many users will begin another cycle. Testoxyl enanthate is a powerful steroid on its own, but many users will stack it with other anabolic steroids to enhance its benefits.
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Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Substances:
- Testosterone Propionate 42mg
- Testosterone Isocaproate 84mg
- Testosterone Phenylropionate 84mg
- Testosterone Decanoate 140mg
Mixed Dosage: 350 mg
Active Life: 7-8 Days
Average Dose: 250 mg/week
Liver Toxicity: No
Aromatization Rate: Yes
Anabolic Rate: 100%
Androgenic Rate: 100%
This Price Is Per 1 Vial (10 mL Each)
Warning! High dosed gear, can cause pain and reaction at the injection site!`
Warm high concentration 350 mg<
before administration
in order to avoid high levels of PIP
and massage afterward.
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Substance: Testosterone Cypionate 250mg
Active Life: 15-16 Days
Average Dose: 50-200 mg/week
Liver Toxicity: No
Aromatization Rate: Yes
Anabolic Rate: 100%
Androgenic Rate: 100%
This Price Is Per 1 Vial (10 mL Each)
Note: Warming and shaking the vial
should redissolve any crystals
that may have formed
during storage or shipping at a
temperature lower than recommended
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Substance: Testosterone Propionate 100mg
Active Life: 1-1.5 Days
Average Dose: 300-700 mg/week
Liver Toxicity: No
Aromatization Rate: Yes
Anabolic Rate: 100%
Androgenic Rate: 100%
This Price Is Per 1 Vial (10 mL Each)
Feb 23, 2022 (11:25)
Well I'm 6 weeks in getting more labs done and waiting on my test level results but I felt it kick in at the end of week 3 and during week 3 I had gotten sick and couldn't go to the gym but I noticed my arms had gotten bigger even though no work outs had been accomplished my one friend told me my arms were definitely bigger and he sees me regularly. I am currently dealing with low blood pressure but my strength has gone way up so I don't even feel it! I've also noticed more of my mid section trimming off so overall very happy with this Test E cycle can't wait for the EBC. I had surgery done on my leg because of an infection I had gotten due to chemo I lost a lot of muscle in my right leg but with this Test E I have gained A LOT of that back!!! Still a ways to go with it but the Test E has made physical therapy that much easier even the pool exercises are almost too easy lol. I can't wait to see the end result!!! Such a kick-ass product!!!